The New CPO's F100D

Dave HenshallRoles

The New CPO’s F100D The New CPO’s F100D – The CPO’s chair has become a true corporate hot seat with an average tenure of a CPO of four years or less. The first 100 days (F100D) in this hot seat can set the tone for the months ahead, and the F100D of a new role can be stressful; How bad … Read More

Procurement Brand Development

Dave HenshallBrand Management, Influence

Procurement Brand Development “A brand is a promise. By identifying and authenticating a product or service it delivers a pledge of satisfaction and quality.” Walter Landor. Why does Procurement need a Brand? Procurement’s brand is arguably the CPO’s most valuable asset. Procurement’s brand is the totality of how its stakeholders see’s, talks about, and experiences it. CPO’s must therefore have … Read More