Position Mindset: drive organizational change

Dave HenshallBehaviors, Mind-sets

Position Mindset: to drive organizational change

Position Mindset: drive organizational change. In our last post we talked about Personal Mind-set. In this second post we talk about Position Mind-set.

The next level of mindset stems from the personal mindset is the position mindset which relates to leadership style. Leadership style is defined by the primary source of motivation for the leader.

It is important because it determines if your leadership style is right for your situation

For all those who do not necessarily view themselves as being in a leadership position, we stress that leadership is not a position it is a mindset. We define three types of leader mindset:

  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Manager
  3. Charismatic


The Entrepreneurial leader: broadens and elevates the interests of their employees generates awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group. They are able a tolerance ambiguity – leading in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, and identify, develop and capture Opportunities whilst taking calculated risk.

The Manager Leader: does not bind leader and followers in mutual and continuing pursuit of a higher purpose. They use the reward and coercive power to encourage high performance and use heavy supervision and systems to maintain control.

The Charismatic Leader: utilizes their personal power to display strong self-confidence & ethical beliefs to inspire others into action. They call upon their experience for direction and are ready to provide support; take personal risk and to challenge the rules.

Do you have the right leadership mind-set for your situation?

Categories: Entrepreneur Transactional Charismatic
Role: Long term change agent Maintain status quo Quick Change Agent
Situation: Long term strategic change

High Risk

Embedded change

Relational & Task

Steady ship –

Low Risk


Pivotal moments

High Risk


Relational & task

The impact of leadership on supply management:

In any dynamic organization and in particular matrix organizations where supply management is managing change, leadership is critical. In these situations rules become blurred and managers are jostling for position, turning up the heat in the political arena. It is the leader who will impact critical decisions to gain the necessary resources for their team:

  1. Organizational structure
  2. Job design and assignment
  3. Image/brand
  4. Recruiting
    • Selection
    • Promotion
    • Transfer
  5. Approaches to training & development
    • Development
    • Training
  6. Leadership education

You may wish to look at your situation and the leadership currently in place. You may find your conclusions enlightening.

When implementing change the best leaders create safety. They understand that if people don’t feel safe, they aren’t going to be open, honest and willing to take risk themselves. Instead, they’re going to move to silence or violence. That is, they’re going to withhold what needs to be said and done. Both strategies kill change.

Nuff said…

Later we will discuss Political Mind-set

Leave us your comments…we would love to know your views.