e-learning for procurement: quicker, and more productive than classroom training?

Dave Henshalle-learning

Businessmen 10e-learning for procurement:

E-Learning for procurement: quicker, and more productive than classroom training? At a time when change is faster than ever, a key advantage of e-learning is that it has speedier delivery cycle (velocity) times than traditional classroom-based instruction.

The exact increase in velocity is debatable but the fact that it takes substantially less time to deliver the same amount of content is undisputed:

  • According to Brandon Hall (2001), these factors can add up to an average compression (saving of learning time) of 35-45 percent when a course is taken out of the classroom and delivered as e-learning.
  • Rosenberg (2001), argues e-learning ‘can take anywhere from 25 to 60 percent less time to convey the same amount of instruction or information as in a classroom.’
  • Christian Terwiesch (2014), professor of operations and information management at Wharton, said there is a compression 50% as you go from the traditional classroom to online media.

So what happens to all this lost time?

Firstly, there are certain things only possible in the classroom that take up time, which unfortunately we cannot replicate online. These are case discussions, games, exercises. Those are things that can only happen when we bring people together.

Secondly, there is a fair bit of waste in typical classroom practices. That has to do with the fact that different students learn at different rates, so the slower students extend the teaching time required.

When a student struggles in the e-learning, they can rewind and review the content as often as they like to catch up.

E-Learning time related benefits

E-learning can deliver benefits by reducing the time it takes to train people because:

  • Learners can go at their own pace, not at the speed of the slowest member of a group
  • Time in classrooms can be distracted by questions/topics introduced by other delegates that are irrelevant to the needs of the individual learner
  • There is less social interaction time
  • It takes less time to start and wind up a learning session
  • There is less travel time to and from a training event
  • Learners learn what they need to learn; they can skip elements of a program they don’t need

e-learning for procurement: quicker, and more productive than classroom training conclusion:

So you really do gain efficiency.

This learning compression factor reduces the single most significant cost of training in organizations. The cost of staff attending the training course, rather than the direct delivery costs concerning trainers, course materials, travel, and accommodation, etc.

Is it a replacement for classroom delivery?

It depends. Better learning results will occur when combined with instructor-led and applied learning. Beware of vendors offering e-learning as a replacement for instructor-led training.

Is it a critical learning delivery tool?


Nuff said …

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