e-learning for Procurement Completion Rates: Why the drama?

Dave Henshalle-learning

3D Chart

e-learning for procurement

E-learning for Procurement Completion Rates: Why the drama? Despite the evident advantages, e-learning faces the persistent challenge of low utilization and completion rates.

Is this metric just a red herring, does it tell us anything?

People like to quote this metric, but should we focus much more on participation and engagement?

By segmenting learner behavior, we see four categories of learner behavior:

  • Employee’s who are just browsing the content
  • Those who want to view the material but won’t do the work
  • Participants who will do all of the work
  • Those who want to use it to reinforce current knowledge and use the content as a performance support tool

So focusing on a narrow completion statistic is not meaningful concerning evaluating the success of e-learning.

Completion rates are a performance metric designed to evaluate traditional classroom-based programs — and many try to apply it to e-learning.

Often ignored, is the huge value to the knowledge disseminated through e-learning that makes training more productive by reaching more learners without increasing the training budget.

E-learning for Procurement Completion Rates: Why the drama Conclusion?

Procurement and HR executives already have felt the cost pressures on their training budgets resulting in a reduction of training hours per employee.

In the face of new technologies leading to better and better e-learning, courses can have the same learning effect as traditional classroom learning. Given the cost advantage, it’s tough to ignore it.

It should be noted, however, that not all e-learning courses are created equally. Our e-learning represents the most authoritative body of content available and as we said ‘content matters.’

Courses, delivered in an engaging and accessible style designed to make learning easy and engaging for the learner using case studies buyers will recognize and translate learning into their environment.

Nuff said …

If you would like to learn further about the benefits of e-learning in procurement email us: [email protected]