10 Reasons why Procurement should own the supplier relationship?

Dave HenshallGovernance & Alignment, Influence, SRM

Magnifying Glass

10 Reasons why Procurement should own the supplier relationship?

10 Reasons why Procurement should own the supplier relationship? One of the many battles in which procurement often finds itself, is its right to manage the supplier relationship. Often there is in no governance in place to support procurements claim. A claim which must be won if it is to claim its place at the top table and steer outsourcing strategy for their organisation.

Below we present a wider functional view on potential ‘decision rights’ on the supplier relationship together with 10 reasons why procurement is best placed to lead supplier relationship management:

Potential relationship ownership stakes:

SRM Interest

SRM Interest

10 Reasons why Procurement should own the Relationship:

10 Reasons SRM

10 Reasons why procurement should own the supplier relationship

As a business process, procurement cuts across all the functional activities of an organisation. Its overarching claim therefore lies in providing a centre of excellence to manage this critical process, where skills, capabilities and process can be developed to maximise the value delivered by suppliers.

There are many other arguments that can be made but procurements claim is compelling and should be built upon.

Only when this case is won and accepted by the wider business community will procurement be able to say it is truly strategic.

Nuff said…


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